聚合物分子工程国家重点实验室 复旦大学高分子科学系 先进材料实验室 上海 200438
[ "王兵杰,男,1986年生. 复旦大学先进材料实验室副研究员,博士生导师. 2009年本科毕业于四川大学高分子材料与工程专业,2014年获得中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所高分子化学与物理专业理学博士学位,随后进入复旦大学先进材料实验室工作至今. 2022年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助. 研究方向:柔性储能材料与器件,重点在高性能纤维储能器件的基础研究与产业化应用方面开展了系统研究. E-mail: wangbingjie@fudan.edu.cn" ]
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Jiang Hai-bo,Liao Meng,Chang Ying-fan,et al.Design and Application of Fiber Batteries[J].ACTA POLYMERICA SINICA,2023,54(06):892-909.
江海波,廖萌,常英凡等.纤维储能电池的设计和应用[J].高分子学报,2023,54(06):892-909. DOI: 10.11777/j.issn1000-3304.2022.22454.
Jiang Hai-bo,Liao Meng,Chang Ying-fan,et al.Design and Application of Fiber Batteries[J].ACTA POLYMERICA SINICA,2023,54(06):892-909. DOI: 10.11777/j.issn1000-3304.2022.22454.
以纤维锂离子电池为代表的纤维储能电池凭借其独特的一维结构,在物联网、可穿戴技术等新兴领域发挥着重要作用. 然而,这类纤维储能电池在面向实际应用的过程中存在高效制备和性能匹配等难题尚未解决,最终无法实现由科学理论向实际应用的过渡. 本文结合本课题组近期工作,总结了柔性纤维储能电池方面的研究进展. 结合纤维锂离子电池的电化学性能、力学性能以及使用耐受性,首先讨论并归纳了纤维锂离子电池的连续化制备方法;进一步,总结了基于连续化制备的纤维锂离子电池所构建的储能织物以及与可穿戴设备集成等方面的应用,重点聚焦于其在大数据云健康、未来通讯、生物医学等领域的应用场景;最后,总结了柔性纤维储能电池的发展现状并展望了该研究领域的未来发展方向.
With the unique one-dimensional structure
fiber shape energy storage batteries
represented by lithium-ion fiber batteries
play an important role in energy supplement for wearable devices. The diameter of lithium-ion fiber batteries usually lies between tens to hundreds of micrometers. The outstanding flexibility can accommodate multiple deformation such as bending
and stretching. By low-cost weaving method
lithium-ion fiber batteries can be easily weaved into energy storage fabrics and integrate with daily clothes. However
traditional fiber batteries suffer from inefficient preparation and poor performance matching
which can hardly move forward from laboratory to industrial production. In addition
researchers used to believe that with the increase of length
the internal resistance of fiber batteries also increase
which seriously hindered the theoretical development of large-scale fiber batteries. In this feature article
we briefly summarize the research progress of fiber shape energy storage devices in recent years. For practical application requirement
the development of flexible lithium-ion fiber batteries is sufficiently concluded based on the work of our group. Firstly
continuous manufacture of lithium-ion fiber batteries is discussed. Large-scale production of lithium-ion batteries was realized for the first time
which met the prerequisites of broad usage. The variation of internal resistance with length was revealed for the special 1D structure of fiber batteries. The electrochemical performance
mechanical properties
and tolerance performance were characterized under practical scenarios. Furthermore
based on continuously prepared lithium-ion fiber batteries
energy storage fabrics and integration with wearable devices are developed. This showed promising applications in healthcare
and motion monitoring. Finally
the future of flexible fiber shape energy storage devices is prospected. Efforts should be devoted to improving the electrochemical performance of lithium-ion fiber batteries
such as energy density
power density and cycle performance. Besides
fiber battery pack technique should be investigated to adapt more real-life scenarios. Suitable application for energy storage fabrics are still awaited to be explored.
Fiber batteryContinuous productionEnergy storage fabricsIntegration
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